Thursday, November 6, 2014

Seniors vs. Sophomore Sluts

Oh my god! So much social policing between seniors and sophomores during this years Spirt Week. 

Its Spirit Week at Palos Hills High and the seniors are struggling to stay upbeat. Jenna and Tamara have found formidable rivals in the form of the "Sophomore Sluts" for the Spirt Week title, and, more importantly, for Matty and Jake's attention. 
To make things worse, Jenna watches as new girl Eva swoops in, Mackenzie, and what are known as the sophomore sluts. All of which are hanging all over Matty and Jake in the skimpiest outfits ever. If they wore any less, this would look like soft-core porn on HBO. That aside, as the seniors lose game after game, Jenna tries to use their last chance, powder-puff football, as her comeuppance. Sadly for her though, they get trampled.

 Jenna decides to play in their friendly game  of flag football against the sophomore sluts.
"It was game time. It didn't matter if Matty and I were on the outs it was the principle of it, if the sophomore were going to make a play for the senior boys they were going to be intercepted... or tackled or some football thing?" SOCIAL POLICING! Seniors vs Sophomores.
While Jenna has the blues about loosing Matty, you can kind of see Matty act like Jenna did last season, minus the drugs. He is essentially trying to escape and, as we know, has been doing it through sex, but now he is getting reckless. However, we get a few extra details in his adoption situation to understand why. For one, his parents have yet to talk about the adoption issue, and it is mostly because they aren't aware he knows. 

Foucault claims that disciplinary power is exercised by those more powerful (Sadie) than their subordinates (Lissa) in order to make their subordinates behave in ways in which the ones in power wish them to. Foucault goes on to argue that power structures not only control people's actions directly, but indirectly whereby people become easier to control to the extent that they discipline themselves to act in line with the wishes of the person or organization that controls them.

Sadie tries to convince Lissa to give up her cheer captaincy by quoting the Bible. One way or another, Sadie plans on being cheer captain. She tries using the bible against Lissa, who has thrown away any sense of interest in being Muslim, in order to become cheer captain. She talks about how Judas and Lissa have the same amount of letters; how Jesus would feel about cheer outfits; and really tries to twist poor Lissa's love for Jesus so that she could finally get what she wants. Sadie is policing Lissa into giving her what she wants. It doesn't happen though. 

Tamara Catfishes Jake to keep the tabs on him after their breakup. With Spirit Week in full force, Tamara not only has her duties as president, but now she has taken on the task of cat fishing Jake using a name like "Autumn San Diego" which has to be the fakest name I have ever heard. Yet, Jake seemingly hasn't caught on... YET! But despite how much Tamara gives Jenna advice on moving on from Matty, it seems she is still unable to venture out and maybe find a new guy, or just be single.

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